Saturday, May 23, 2009

So I decided to do some self-grooming today...

Ladies! I have some recommendations and unrecommendations for you today.

Recommendation: Home waxing your lower legs. It's really not as painful as it sounds and after the first couple strips, you really just kind of stop feeling pain at all. It might take a little longer than getting it done professionally, but it can be done, and it's way cheaper to get the home kit than to pay salon prices, by far.

Unrecommendation: Home waxing your bikini line. It is not as painful as it sounds--it's worse. Way worse. Worse than you could ever imagine. And every strip hurts worse than the last. There are apparently no natural endorphins that go to your bikini line. Eventually, it will hurt so badly that your hands will refuse to rip the strips away from your body, leaving your hairy vag covered in fucking wax. You will then spend the rest of the afternoon pouring that blue oil all over yourself and trying to wash the wax off in the shower. You will still have hair on your bikini line. Where you don't have hair, you will have little capillary bleeders everywhere, which is probably equally unattractive. Alternative: wear fucking shorts to the beach. Oh. My. God.

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